Yup, Scrappin Moms Idol season 3 is ongoing and I joined for the 2nd time. My original plan was to do the challenges as they were posted but not really turn in my layouts. I'll be able to make layouts and it's stress free this way. Oh well things changed when I got a call from Issa just minutes before the 3 pm deadline. I'm here to enjoy the ride, create pages, think outside the box, challenge myself to do things that I might not usually do, and most especially have fun while doing something I absolutely love to do...to scrap! All the details can be found here.
The elimination round was Ad Inspired and this is quite challenging for me. The easiest for me is to use the colors for inspiration. Here's the ad:

I used the colors red, black, & yellow, and also the swirly design as inspiration.
Here's my layout and you can see the rest of the fabulous layouts here.

The challenge for week # 1 is already up. Gotta put on my thinking cap.