I am so honored for these awards that
Timi gave me:

Thanks so much Timi!
So, here are the rules that go along with the awards:
1. You post the award logos on your blog.
2. You link back to the person who awarded them to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 people whose blogs you admire and add links back to their blogs.
4. Leave a message for the nominees on their blogs.
Here are the wonderful, creative, & inspiring people I'm tagging:
Cookie, &
Here's another one, also from Timi but is actually from Beverly Todd who is celebrating her 40th Birthday. Please visit her
blog for details on how to win special prizes.
Here are her questions and my answers:
1. What age was your best birthday (so far) & why? I can't just pick one, every birthday is a time to be thankful for another year spent with loved ones.
2. What was the worst? I had a party planned out for my 18th birthday, but there was an unannounced power interruption that time which we weren't ready for. Things still went on as planned with just some minor problems.
3. What is the best present you have ever received? I remember getting a watch from my parents which I wanted so much at that time. I think it was a POP Swatch. Haha! My birthday is coming up soon, I hope I get something on my wish list...
4. What was the weirdest? None that I can think of.
5. Where would you most like to spend your birthday? It doesn't really matter where as long as I spend it with family & friends.
6. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
7. Chinese Year? I am a Rat!
For this tag, whoever reads this, consider yourself tagged & head on over to Beverly's blog.
And, speaking of birthdays, my cutie pie daughter just turned two & she had a pool party.

Happy weekend everyone!