My Scrappin Moms Idol journey ended at round 4. It was a very challenging journey. Just sharing my layouts for the elimination round & rounds 1 thru 4. I definetely learned a lot, but was stressed out a bit too. LOL.
Elimination round: based on a sketch by Ms. Em Magpoc.
Journaling: You…make me smile…make me so happy. You are the apple of my eyes, dear Ally!Here's Ms Em's sketch:

Round 1: Party Favors - This was the hardest round for me! We were required to make 4pieces of party favors, including a pop-up invitation. I didn't know how to make one & to make things even harder, we were out of town when the challenge was announced. When we got back, I only had 2 days left to turn in my entry. In addition to the pop-up invitation, I also made a centerpiece, a give-away, & a party hat. Good thing, DH was very cooperative, he helped me take pics of the party favors at 12 midnight.

Round 2: A Color is a color is a color - The challenge was to use ONLY the colors: red, orange, green, & violet on the layout. Black & White were allowed only for accents & the title. We were also supposed to use 5 pictures of different sizes.
Here's my entry:
Journaling: Watching you play, Watching you grow, Seeing you smile & laugh…These are the things that brighten up my day. You are my little ray of sunshine at any given day! (Ally at 2 years old, 8.16.08, Plantation Bay Resort, Mactan, Cebu)Round 3: Direction & Movement - The challenge was to create a layout with direction & movement. A mix of black & white pictures is required.
Journaling: The image of me riding a swing at my school’s playground is still very vivid in my mind. I was swinging high enough so that my feet can reach the branches of a tree. This day is a perfect chance to reminisce about this childhood memory. ( 8-24-08)Round 4: Layers of Me - The object of this round is to create dimension & texture on the layout using layering BUT only cardstock, patterned papers, & paint are to be used. We were also required to use our own picture on the layout. I was eliminated on this round...Boohoohoo!
Journaling: Life has been very good to me. I grew up with a very loving family. My parents gave me the chance to become what I wanted to be… a doctor. Now I have a family of my own. Bobot is the husband I dreamed of, & Julia & Ally never fail to amaze me everyday. I also have friends who I know are there for me. Everything seems perfect, yet there are still questions that enter my mind every now & then. Should I give up my career to become a full time mother to my children? Are there still other career options for me? I don’t have the answers right now, but one thing is for sure. I am definitely happy with where I am right now. Over-all, I am happy with these layouts!!!