My August ScrapMuse kit suitably named "Creative Thinking" reached Philippine shores longer than usual but the wait was so worth it. Here's what the kit looks like:

My favorites are the Basic Grey June Bug pps, the Basic Grey doilie paper, and the vintage buttons by Making Memories. I also love the GCD journaling cards and the Bingo Cards by Tattered Angels.
I immediately played with my kit and created these two layouts:

Title: You Love Music
Journaling: Neither Daddy or I are musically inclined but right now you are showing so much interest in music. You surf "you tube" for music videos and sing along. YOu even pretned to have a concert and sing for all of us. You also know the titles of the songs playing on the radio right now. Continue to nurture this gift my dear Julia. XOXO, Mommy. Here's a closer look at the beadwork, which is included in the kit.

Here's my 2nd layout:

The theme for this month's kit is about home and this is my take. I've been wanting to scrap about our house for quite sometime already, and I'm glad I was finally able to do it.
Title: This is Home
Journaling: Our house is quite old, we have been living here since I was a baby, and it has undergone several renovations. There are so many wonderful memories that I want to remember with this house especially time spent with my dad. I know there will come a time when we have to move out but all the memories will always be in my heart. Also, we have a Summer Get-Away Crop coming up. The challenges will be posted on Monday [New York time] so you can start making your layouts soon. Layouts are due on the 24th of August but we games and make takes on the 22nd. The grand prize is the July kit and the limited edition Travel kit. You can read about all the details and guidelines
here. I really hope you can join us!
Have a great week.